1.1 NATURE OF OPERATIONAL STRATEGY The strategic nature of the Agency's activities is the Law on Procurement of Goods, Works and Services with State and Local Funds, the Law on Concessions and other relevant laws and regulations, the Concept o ...
This Division is responsible for: improving legal aspects of public procurement process and summarizing the implementation of legislation to submit proposals to relevant organizations, monitoring procurement process, issue recommendations and ...
Missions To plan and manage operations referred to trainings, publicity and public relations of the organization. To develop and train educational and professional skill of the workers and staff of the organization. Main functions To prov ...
Цэдэнбалын Батзул Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны газрын дарга Боловсрол 1993-2003 онд Сүхбаатар дүүргийн 2 дугаар бүрэн дунд сургууль; 2003-2007 онд Хүмүүнлэгийн ухааны их сургууль; 2016-2018 онд ...
GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTING AGENCY FOR POLICY COORDINATION ON STATE PROPERTY Historical path The State Property Committee In accordance with Law on State and Local Property of Mongolia, which entered into force on 27 May 1996, the State Prope ...
№ Name of the NGOs Contact person Tel Adress 1 Traning consulting center of Procurement E.Javkhlan 88078527, 96560681 Khan-Uul disrict, 1st khoroo, apart 16, #15 2 Development ce ...